Sunday 30 January 2011

RSR has done it again!
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Red Sea Rising, in conjunction with Xbox 360 is in development with the game Rock Band. Look for several songs from the new album Eye Of The Storm to be included. Practice up and see if YOU can keep up with the speed of those guitar riffs!

We also want to welcome The Beat Magazine as an affiliate. The Beat will be bringing you blasts from the past about today's superstars back in the day when THEY were the starving artists! Look forward to some incredible articles about past and present superstars.

Indie artists, if you haven't signed up yet...please do! The first of a series of band competitions is about to begin (with cash, gear and a really big prize of a record deal for the ultimate winner.) Additionally, we will be putting YOUR music out there for airplay AND we are partnered with Reverbnation and Radio Submit to make sure that your music is receiving the attention it is due.

So, get with the program and sign up as a member. The Red Sea Rising website is changing daily as we strive to make this an all inclusive site that rocks your world! Please DO drop us a line if you have a suggestion that we might decide to implement.

Rock on!!!
[Submitted by Radical Red]
Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

The Ghostly Crew of SS Watertown-Karen Sphink
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..The Ghostly Crew of SS Watertown........................

In December 1924 the American tanker SS Watertown was heading down the Californian coast to New Orleans via the Panama Canal when two sailors Courtney and Meehan, were asphyxiated by oil fumes. Their bodies were buried at sea off the Mexican Coast ...

Just before dusk, the following day the first mate saw to faces in the waves off the port side. He recognised the two sailors immediately. The heads ( 3D in water ...and clear to the eye) continued to reappear daily while the ship was in the Pacific and were seen on many occasions by virtually every member of the crew, either independently or in groups. The two heads appeared about 3 mtrs apart, some 13 mtrs from the ship, floating on the crests of the waves. Larger than living heads, the spectres stayed for about 10 seconds , faded and reappeared. Once the ship was in the Atlantic Ocean the heads were no longer seen.........

On arrival at New Orleans, Captain Tracy reported to the shipping office - the Cities Service Company. Noone on board the ship had a camera with which to photograph the sight , ship's mate bought one before the return voyage . When the apparition appeared once again, Captain Tracy photographed the faces, then locked the camera and film in his safe. Later a commercial editor found nothing unusual on 5 of the 6 exposures, but one shows the faces quite distinctly. A detective agency asked to examine the negative, found no trace of fraud..................

The faces appeared less frequently on the third voyage, the weather was stormy ..and no photos worked out, after this voyage the crew was changed, and there were no more reports of sightings . Not everyone below decks believed in the faces . Some claim the apparitions were optical effects, and that identification with the dead sailors was simple suggestion. But optical effects are unlikely to be recur day after day and be seen by several people every time. The photograph , if it is genuine , is not easy to explain away.....................

Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Dante's Vanishing Act-Karen Sphink
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.....DANTE'S VANISHING ACT..............

Exiled from his beloved city of Florence, Dante Alighieri, author of the great poem Divina Commedia ( Divine Comedy), died on 14th September 1321 and was buried in Ravenna, Italy at the Bracciaforte monastery of the friars minor. He was dressed in the scarlet robes of a doctor and crowned with laurel leaves befitted a great poet. But the poem was apparently unfinished, so Dante's Sons Piero and Iacopo, also poets , were asked to complete it.

Eight months later Iacopo dreamt that his father came to him, dressed in shining white garments, his face bathed in bright light , and showed him where the missing 13 sections of the poem were hidden in his old room. On waking , Iacopo, rushed to the wall Dante had touched in the dream .....and found them. mouldy with damp, in a concealed hole.

When Dante's tomb was opened in 1780 to verify the remains before placing them in a new mausoleum, it was found to contain only a handful of small bones and some laurel leaves. It was supposed that Dante's absence in soul and body reflected his earthly wanderings through hell, purgatory and paradise, and that he must have been received into one of those realms. The matter was kept quiet, but a rumour persisted that the chapel where he was buried held a great treasure. Some of the friars who slept nearby occasionally reported seeing visions of a red-robed figure..........................

In 1865 when the Bracciaforte chapel was being renovated, workmen discovered in the walls a wooden chest , containing a skeleton, and an inscription : Dantis ossa a me Fre Antonio Santi hic posita Ano 1677 die 18 Octobris - "Dante's bones, deposited here by me, Brother Antonio Santi, 18 October 1677."

[Submitted by Radical Red]
Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Thursday 27 January 2011

Roger Bacon's Amazing Predictions
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Author: Karen Sphink
Modern cars and aeroplanes were accurately described as long ago as the C13th by the English Franciscan monk Roger Bacon, Bacon , probably the earliest scientist in the modern sense, lived from around 1214 to 1292. He was learned in the classics and in the scholarship of the Arabs. In 1247 Bacon resigned his chair at the University of Paris and devoted himself to experimental science, studying and teaching at Oxford......................

Well ahead of his time, Bacon successfully demonstrated the magnifying glass. And in his Epistola de Secretis Peribus, he wrote 'cars can be made so that without animals they will move with unbelievable rapidity"and "flying machines can be constructed so that a man sits in the midst of the machine revolving some engine by which artificial wings are made to beat the air a flying bird: Other predictions included Steamships, submarines, diving suits and telescopes.............................

But contemporary ignorance destroyed the reputation of Bacon. His scientific theories were reduced to the predictions of a soothsayer because people feared his interest in Muslim texts and mathematics. Muslims were popularly believed to practice sorcery, and mathematics was widely assumed to be a black art as late as the C16th.......... In about 1256.....Roger Bacon retired to Paris - some say expelled from England - and in 1277, the General of the Franciscan Order banned his books. He was also imprisoned for heretical teachings......................

In life , Bacon's experiments and interest in unconventional philosophy and alchemy earned him the nickname Dr.Mirabilis. After death, the legend that he was a wizard gained momentum, one story reported he could make prophetic heads of brass...Like Faust, Bacon reputedly signed a pact with the Devil in return for magic skills, promising his soul ....except if he died neither inside the church nor outside it . It was said he tried to cheat the Devil by creating a cell in the wall of a church, where he remained until he died, neither inside nor outside
[Submitted by Radical Red]
Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Monday 24 January 2011

SXSW Music Festival - Austin TX
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Printable version The South by Southwest (SXSW) Music Conference and Festival, scheduled to take place March 16 - 20, 2011 in Austin, Texas, is pleased to announce a second round of bands scheduled to perform at the 25th edition of the SXSW Music Festival.

The latest selections include:

Alberta Cross (Brooklyn NY)
AM (New Orleans LA)
Asking Alexandria (York ENGLAND)
Bajzel (Poznan POLAND)
Bare Wires (San Francisco CA)
The Bellrays (Los Angeles CA)
Benjamin Francis Leftwich (York ENGLAND)
Beta Wolf (Los Angeles CA)
Bituaya (Caracas VENEZUELA)
Black Gandhi (Barcelona SPAIN)
Bleu Edmondson (New Braunfels TX)
Blue King Brown (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)
Bowling For Soup (Denton TX)
Carter Twins (Nashville TN)
Casiokids (Bergen NORWAY)
Chetes (Monterrey MEXICO)
City and Colour (Toronto ON)
Colleen Green (Los Angeles CA)
Curry & Coco (Lille FRANCE)
Dame 55 (Los Angeles CA)
Dawn of Ashes (Los Angeles CA)
Dax Riggs (Austin TX)
The Dears (Montreal QC)
Demon's Claws (Montreal CANADA)
DeVotchKa (Denver CO)
Eliza Doolittle (London ENGLAND)
Elizabeth & the Catapult (Brooklyn NY)
Endless Hallway (Los Angeles CA)
Fergus & Geronimo (Brooklyn NY)
Francis and the Lights (New York NY)
Frazey Ford (Vancouver BC)
Gary Wilson (San Diego CA)
Gepe (Santiago CHILE)
Grass Widow (San Francisco CA)
Grieves (Seattle WA)
The Happy Hollows (Los Angeles CA)
Harrys Gym (Oslo NORWAY)
Heavy Cream (Nashville TN)
Hell & Lula (Los Angeles CA)
Hey Rosetta! (St John's NL)
HORSE the band (Los Angeles CA)
Ice Black Birds (Brighton ENGLAND)
J Mascis (Amherst MA)
Janka Nabay (SIERRA LEONE)
JEFF The Brotherhood (Nashville TN)
Joan of Arc (Chicago IL)
Jukebox the Ghost (Washington DC)
Kina Grannis (Mission Viejo CA)
Kopecky Family Band (Nashville TN)
La Sera (Los Angeles CA)
Locos Por Juana (Bogota COLOMBIA)
Maps & Atlases (Chicago IL)
Mexican Institute of Sound (Mexico City MEXICO)
Middle Class Rut (Sacramento CA)
Morning Teleportation (Portland OR)
Murfila (Barcelona SPAIN)
MURS (Los Angeles CA)
Noah And The Whale (London ENGLAND)
North Mississippi Allstars (Hernando CO)
O'Death (New York NY)
Onra (Paris FRANCE)
Parlor Mob (Red Bank NJ)
Paul Cary (Chicago IL)
Pedropiedra (Santiago CHILE)
Pernett (Cali COLOMBIA)
Prince Rama (Brooklyn NY)
Professor Green (London ENGLAND)
Protistas (Santiago CHILE)
Pterodactyl (Brooklyn NY)
Pujol (Nashville TN)
Quintron and Miss Pussycat (New Orleans LA)
Rey Pila (Mexico City MEXICO)
Rosie and Me (Curitiba BRAZIL)
The Secret Handshake (Dallas TX)
Shuttle (Boston MA)
Skrillex (Los Angeles CA)
Slim Cessna's Auto Club (Denver CO)
Some Community (Sao Paulo BRAZIL)
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin (Springfield MO)
Sounds Under Radio (Austin TX)
The Strange Boys (Austin TX)
Stephen Kellogg (Northampton MA)
Summer Camp (London ENGLAND)
Suzanna Choffel (Austin TX)
Teen Daze (Vancouver CANADA)
Thee Oh Sees (San Francisco CA)
Tôg (Stavanger NORWAY)
Turbo Fruits (Nashville TN)
Ty Segall (San Francisco CA)
The Vaccines (London ENGLAND)
Voxhaul Broadcast (Los Angeles CA)
Wagons (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)
War From A Harlots Mouth (Berlin GERMANY)
Whitechapel (Knoxville TN)
The Woggles (Atlanta GA)

This coming year's event marks the 25th edition of one of the highest profile and most anticipated global cultural events on the music calendar. A keynote address anchors four days of panels, interviews, workshops, mentor sessions, peer meetings, and the trade show.

Daytime events at the Austin Convention Center flow into the world-renowned music festival, which showcases over 1900 acts on stages throughout downtown Austin For more information on every aspect of SXSW, please visit

[Submitted by Radical Red]
Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Gregg Allman has lived the blues many times over - USA Today
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NEW YORK — Gregg Allman has earned the torment in his singing voice to a degree that's ridiculous even for a bluesman. Tragic deaths of family members and bandmates, drug and alcohol addiction and much more have seared his soul over 63 years.
Yet when he softly recounts his most recent torture, a liver transplant in June after a battle with hepatitis C, he punctuates it with a Southern-inflected half-chuckle that's endearing.

"It's the roughest thing I've ever been through," says the lead vocalist/organist of Rock and Roll Hall of Famers the Allman Brothers Band. "I've been in military school, through six divorces, heh-heh — this is worse than all that."

The decision to seek a transplant was made soon after he had been cajoled into the recording studio last January to make his first solo album in 14 years, Low Country Blues, out Tuesday. Allman's reluctance (he'd last been in a studio in 2003, with the Allman Brothers) had stemmed from the death in 2002 of legendary producer Tom Dowd, who had guided Allman to most of his greatest successes. "It hit me hard. When recording would raise its ugly head, I would roll over and play dead."

But in 2009, Allman's manager lured him to Memphis to meet with 10-time Grammy-winning producer T Bone Burnett.

"I swear to God I had never heard of him," Allman says. "Has it ever struck you that the East Coast (Allman lives in Georgia) and West Coast (Burnett is based in L.A.) are shamefully divided?"

The two clicked. Allman says he was taken with a Burnett project to replicate Sun Studios at his home ("that was the hippest thing I had ever heard") and with Burnett's admiration for Dowd.

Says Burnett: "The place where we could relate most profoundly was in the blues. I didn't know how good a blues singer he was. He hasn't lost a thing — it just gets better with age."

The producer envisioned an album of lesser-known blues and R&B covers from artists who had inspired Allman, and gave him hundreds to sort through. The deal was almost scotched when Burnett insisted on using musicians other than Allman's touring band. "I almost slammed the door on him," he says. "I'm so glad I didn't. But that's two clicks from being an insult, you know?"

Allman softened when he saw that Burnett had assembled top-flight session veterans, including guitarist Doyle Bramhall II and Dennis Crouch on upright bass. Burnett sweetened the deal by bringing in longtime Allman friend Dr. John (Mac Rebennack).

"This is special," Rebennack says. "Gregg had been through health problems. And Duane (Allman's beloved guitar-legend sibling, who was killed in a motorcycle accident in 1971) had asked me to look out for his little brother, like he knew something maybe would happen."

Many of the songs Allman chose mirror themes in his life, most notably a harrowing Sleepy John Estes tune about a man who is rescued from drowning and considers mending his ways. "Floating Bridge definitely points to my life," Allman says. "It hits one of your sympathetic strings."

Knowing he had a solid album in the can gave him strength the past six months to recover from the transplant of his cancerous liver. "It did, it really did," he says. "Let me tell you, they put me through some pain."

He likens it to kicking his addictions in the mid-'90s. "Not as time-consuming, but as rough. I just kept saying and praying, 'This, too, will pass.' "

By October, he was playing solo dates and a few guest spots, including duets with Neko Case on Midnight Rider during Burnett's Speaking Clock Revue, and he's preparing for the Allman Brothers Band's annual March residency at New York's Beacon Theater. He'll play some festivals with his solo band (including Bonnaroo and New Orleans Jazz Fest) this summer and fulfill a few commitments with the Brothers, now in their 42nd year.

Though he wonders "how long the band will last," given the members' various side projects, he hopes for another studio album. "You've got to take care of the Brothers."

[Submitted by Radical Red]
Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Wake Up Everyone!
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Hi, there! Radical Red from Texas here to wake you up and get your mind going. Have YOU been getting the airplay you deserve? Are you getting the gigs you expect to get at your level of expertise? Will you be able to make a living as a musician the way things are going today? Nooooooooo???? We are here to help you get airplay, get exposure and even help get you jobs at venues if we can! Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that RSR Trip Radio is also going to give some of you the chance to win prizes, gear packages, money..and yes, one band even wins a record deal!

Tell your fellow metalheads, indie rockers, alternative, americana, country, red dirt, texas country, jazz, blues (you get the picture yet?) and every other musician from any genre to hook themselves up here.

Wake yourselves up and do something to participate in your own success in a huge way...sign up for RSR and get ready to share in some of the recognition that you KNOW you deserve.

The Renegade Revolution is coming for you!
[Submitted by Radical Red]
Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Country Music Headed To RSR Trip Radio
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RSR Trip Radio is proud to introduce that we are branching out to embrace other genres in the music industry. We are implementing a subsidiary station and bringing about a Renegade Revolution, featuring new, cutting edge, unsigned talent!

Watch in the next few weeks, there's a change coming with a blow it out, hard charging and diamond edged country & southern rock station that will make your momma cry! Be one of the first country, texas country, red dirt or southern rock bands to load your music and be played on air. We plan on tipping our hat to the old school but starting the revolution with the new and unknown!

Tell your musician friends that we are offering them a chance to get the exposure they deserve, all they have to do is sign up and load up!
[Submitted by Radical Red]
Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Sunday 16 January 2011

Foundations - National Alliance To End Homelessness
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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a leading voice on the issue of homelessness. The Alliance analyzes policy and develops pragmatic, cost-effective policy solutions. The Alliance works collaboratively with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to build state and local capacity, leading to stronger programs and policies that help communities achieve their goal of ending homelessness. We provide data and research to policymakers and elected officials in order to inform policy debates and educate the public and opinion leader nationwide.

In 1983, a group of concerned leaders founded the National Citizens Committee for Food and Shelter to help meet the emergency needs of a growing population of homeless people across the country.

By 1987, it was clear that despite the Committee’s success, homelessness had taken root for a number of systematic reasons, and a “hot and a cot” were not going to end the problem. At that time, the organization became known as the National Alliance to End Homelessness.

The Alliance grew from a federation of more than 2,000 providers and public agencies to a current network of over 10,000 partners, making the Alliance the largest partnership dedicated to ending homelessness.

From 2003 to 2007, the Alliance expanded its organizational capacity considerably in the areas of policy, capacity building, education, and research. And the results of efforts by the Alliance and others have been palpable. Between 2005 and 2007, homelessness decreased by 10 percent due to changes in federal and local policy, improved education of the public and policymakers, and increased capacity of communities to implement best practices.

Today, with the help of federal leadership and local activism, the Alliance aims to continue on its journey to end homelessness once and for all in America.

[Submitted by Radical Red]

Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

Foundations - Humane Society of North Texas
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HSNT’s mission is to act as an advocate on behalf of all animals and to ensure their legal, moral and ethical consideration and protection; to provide for the well-being of animals who are abandoned, injured, neglected, mistreated or otherwise in need; to promote an appreciation of animals; and to instill respect for all living things.

In accordance to our mission, we promote kindness, justice and mercy to every living creature entering our door.

Our shelter is dedicated to providing a place of protection for animals in need and none are turned away.

To accomplish our mission we provide the following services.

Humane Investigations
Animal Surrender/Admission
Emergency Rescue (K911)
Spay & Neuter Program
Lost & Found
Animal Education

The Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) is a non-profit organization serving Tarrant and surrounding counties since 1905. We are supported solely by tax deductible donations and do not receive funding from county, state or federal entities, nor are we subsidized by any other organization.

[Submitted by Radical Red]

Posted by: RadicalRed
on 2018

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