News Item: Red Sea Rising is blowing it out
(Category: Music News)
Posted by RadicalRed

• PRESS RELEASE: RED SEA RISING is synonymous with many things; a kickass rock band about to go on an international tour, an internet rock radio station with a new country division called Renegade Revolution hitting the ground running after the first of the year, a unique place for musicians to receive recognition and airplay at NO cost to them AND, in partnership with a huge music conglomerate, they are about to blow it open with a series of contests for musicians that will culminate in a record deal with their record label, Three Worlds Away. Founders Ken Pinkstaff and James Salazar are no strangers to the music business, having spent over 25 years as professional musicians. Their goal is to set the world on fire with their music and through their involvement with charitable organizations. Red Sea Rising proudly and actively supports several foundations including the Associated Humane Societies, the Turn The Paige Foundation, AMFAR, Doctors Without Borders and the National Alliance To End Homelessness. The contest series that will be occurring will be a small fee submission based contest with 20% of all proceeds going immediately to one of the charities listed above (each musician is to select where their submission fee is to go.) This is done to encourage everyone to give back to their world and Red Sea Rising will match every dollar submitted by the artists through their submissions. Hook yourself up at for some great music and airplay that all musicians need while also making your world a little better place!

[Submitted by Radical Red]

This news item is from Red Sea Rising
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