News Item: RSR has done it again!
(Category: Misc)
Posted by RadicalRed
Red Sea Rising, in conjunction with Xbox 360 is in development with the game Rock Band. Look for several songs from the new album Eye Of The Storm to be included. Practice up and see if YOU can keep up with the speed of those guitar riffs!
We also want to welcome The Beat Magazine as an affiliate. The Beat will be bringing you blasts from the past about today's superstars back in the day when THEY were the starving artists! Look forward to some incredible articles about past and present superstars.
Indie artists, if you haven't signed up yet...please do! The first of a series of band competitions is about to begin (with cash, gear and a really big prize of a record deal for the ultimate winner.) Additionally, we will be putting YOUR music out there for airplay AND we are partnered with Reverbnation and Radio Submit to make sure that your music is receiving the attention it is due.
So, get with the program and sign up as a member. The Red Sea Rising website is changing daily as we strive to make this an all inclusive site that rocks your world! Please DO drop us a line if you have a suggestion that we might decide to implement.
Rock on!!!
[Submitted by Radical Red]
This news item is from Red Sea Rising
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